Return to work record

Use and download our return to work form

You can use this form to record a discussion with a member of staff after an absence of any length. It will help you to conduct and record a structured discussion to understand how the absence came about and how it may affect future work. A return to work form allows you to look at the staff member's needs and those of the organisation.

Before you start

Before you start, please read our supporting staff attendance pages.

You can use an Occupational Health report, a FFWS Return to work plan, or a GP’s medical report to help you fill out the return to work form.

You will be asked if the appropriate reporting procedure was followed. If someone is injured at work, or has time off as a result of illness caused by a workplace exposure, you may be required to report this to the Health and Safety Executive. This injury would come under the regulations for reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences (RIDDOR). Accidents and near misses explains your duties.

You will be asked about any changes to duties and workplace adaptations. You should give details of any duties or aspects of the work environment that will be changed to take account of health conditions.

You can download our example return to work record as a guide to completing the form.