Showing 312 results Support services 11 February 2020 Content page Ill health and absence Self-referral services Working Health Services Scotland is a service for employees that aims to help them stay at work whilst managing their health condition or return to work if a... Common types of violence and aggression 12 February 2020 Content page Violence and aggression in the workplace As an employer, you have a duty to manage the risks related to violence and aggression at work. Violence and aggression includes: threats physical attacks antisocial behaviour a... Health and safety training legislation 11 February 2020 Content page Managing Health and Safety For legal requirements and health and safety purposes, you will need to take appropriate action to protect employees, this can include the provision of information, training and... Legal duties to protect breathing 11 February 2020 Content page Health risks Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) These set out the legal requirements for protecting people at work against risks to their health. To comply, you... Scottish Living Wage 10 February 2020 Content page Fair treatment The Living Wage Scotland campaign, funded by the Scottish Government, was established in 2014. The Scottish Government, through Fair Work, is clear that in relation to pay, the... Vulnerable workers 11 February 2020 Content page Managing Health and Safety You have a duty to ensure the welfare of your employees at work. Providing a safe and healthy environment will also help to motivate your workforce. New and... Violence and aggression risk assessment 12 February 2020 Content page Violence and aggression in the workplace To assess these risks, you need to follow the same steps used for other risks. Identify the hazards. Establish who might be harmed and how. Evaluate the risks and decide on... Health surveillance employer's pack 02 March 2020 Publication Here you can download guidance on why it is important to conduct health surveillance for your employees who are exposed to certain health risks, and to act on the results. You may... Attendance management tool 02 March 2020 Publication You can also download guidance on how to use the tool and a completed example. You may also find our section on ill health and absence useful. Here you can download an attendance... Drugs and alcohol in the workplace 02 March 2020 Publication You may also find our pages on alcohol and drugs useful. Here you can download guidance on implementing an effective alcohol and drug policy. It also explains how and when drug... First page of 32 Previous page Page 4 of 32 Page 5 of 32 Page 6 of 32 Page 7 of 32 Page 8 of 32 Page 9 of 32 Page 10 of 32 Page 11 of 32 Page 12 of 32 Page 13 of 32 Next page Last page of 32