The Scottish Government has priorities to address our economic inactivity, the cost of living crises and increasing health inequalities across our population.
Public Health Scotland and our Directors of Public health are keen to offer support in areas where employees need the most help to access and stay in work and improve their health, by providing fairer and healthier work. Local Health Boards offer support to employers in making the health and wellbeing of their workers a priority with a focus on:
- access to good quality, fair work: where workplaces are free from risks to health and conditions support an individual’s ability to work
- retention in work: to support staff at risk of exiting employment for health reasons by offering the support they need to remain in work
- progression through work: by supporting employer awareness of and access to learning and skills development for employees
- preventing absenteeism: supporting employers to have processes in place to address the key reasons for absence from work such as Mental Health and Musculoskeletal disorders
You can access the following Healthy Working Lives support online and through local Health Board teams:
- health improvement information - is available online and through local Health Board teams to support your work to improve staff health
- local healthy working lives teams can be contacted through your local Health Board
- online information on improving health, safety and wellbeing – covering topics such as ill health and absence, mental health and risk assessment
- support for workers with health conditions - Working Health Services Scotland (WHSS) provides free and confidential advice and health support for people who are self-employed or working in companies with 250 or less employees. Referral can be made by an individual, GP or health professional.
- online training courses - available through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) (external site) platform
- face to face training courses - online booking is available for Health Board lead training courses
- online accounts – to access self-service online functions such as completing a risk assessment forms
- the information and resources on this website will be maintained and updated to ensure that information is correct