Blood-borne viruses

What you need to know about blood-borne viruses in the workplace

Combating discrimination - employment and blood-borne viruses

​HIV and other BBVs can affect anyone.

Most people infected are of working age. With advances in treatment, more people with HIV and other BBVs will continue or will want to, return to work.

Under the Equality Act 2010, 'disability' includes progressive conditions such as HIV.

It is unlawful for people with disabilities to be treated less favourably including at work.

Employers are also responsible for the actions of their employees. You should take steps to prevent employees from developing negative attitudes or behaviour towards others that could be discriminatory.

Employers have a valuable role to play in raising awareness and reducing stigma. 

Practical steps you can take

Develop a BBV policy

  • integrate an infection control policy with existing policies such as equal opportunities, health and safety


  • train all staff, including senior management, on HIV and other BBVs and their respective roles within the policy context
  • you may be able to access free training from your local health board or other agencies
  • World AIDS Day is a good opportunity to introduce the subject into the workplace increasing staff knowledge and awareness

Provide information

  • provide sources of advice, support, and information, within and out with your workplace
  • these can be displayed on staff notice boards and in rest facilities


  • always respect the confidentiality of employees' personal and medical information
  • reassure employees with a BBV about the confidentiality they are entitled to within your organisation

Be explicit about anti-discrimination measures

  • be clear about anti-discrimination policies 
  • include specific references to HIV and other BBVs in your workplace policies

Provide healthcare information for travelling workers

  • provide healthcare advice to employees travelling outside the UK, especially to areas with high incidences of HIV/AIDS

Remember – you do not need to know the HIV status of individual employees to protect the health and safety of all your employees.

Contact information

Please use our contact form for further information about BBVs.