General information
- Flow indicators and alarms are needed.
- This breathing apparatus (BA) is designed to provide protection factors of 10 and 20.
- This BA can be cleaned and reused many times, as recommended by the manufacturer.
- It is suitable for a heavy work rate (heavy manual work requiring a lot of exertion and energy).
- The BA may be worn continuously for more than 1 hour and may be used in oxygen-deficient atmospheres.
- The BA is all right for medium work rate (work involving sustained hand and arm movements, or similar to brisk walking).
- 'Constant flow' means that the manufacturer or user sets the air supply rate. This gives a constant flow rate at the selected air supply pressure.
- Fit the straps as recommended.
- Select the right size mask for each wearer.
- Use only the BA manufacturer's connectors.
- Ensure that adequate clean air supply is available.
- Fit-testing for each wearer is required when using this RPE for the first time.
- Ensure that the compressed air quality meets the minimum requirements of BS4275.
- Ensure that wearers check the RPE fits correctly every time, as recommended by the manufacture.
- Ensure that the airline is never deformed – the wearer's life may be at risk without an adequate air supply.
- Modify any connector threads
- Make DIY modifications to the RPE
- Store in dirty areas between uses
- Use solvents to clean the mask, straps or hose
- Allow the airline to come into contact with solvents
- Keep working if the airflow rate drops or any warning signals are activated
- Use a light-duty airline hose where there is any potential for crushing by a passer-by, etc.