General information
- FAHBA has inlet and outlet valves which must be in good condition.
- This breathing apparatus (BA) may be worn continuously for more than 1 hour.
- The BA can be cleaned and reused many times, as recommended by the manufacturer.
- Air is drawn in either by the breathing action of the wearer, or with the help of an air blower fitted to the FAHBA.
- Fan assisted BA may be needed for a heavy work rate (heavy manual work requiring a lot of exertion and energy).
- It may be used in oxygen-deficient atmospheres and is useful for short term work such as work in tanks, trenches and sewers.
- This BA is adequate for light (seated) and medium work rate (work involving sustained hand and arm movements or similar to brisk walking).
- Fresh air is drawn through a long breathing hose that is secured in a clean environment, for example factory, farmyard, roadside, feeding into the face mask.
- Fit the straps as recommended.
- Select the right size mask for each wearer.
- Ensure that the air inlet of the hose is securely anchored in clean air.
- Fit-testing for each wearer is required when using this RPE for the first time.
- Ensure that wearers check the RPE fits correctly every time, as recommended by the manufacture.
- Always change or recharge the battery after the recommended period (e.g. 4 hours, or at the end of the day).
- Store in dirty areas between uses.
- Use FAHBA without the waist belt.
- Make DIY modifications to the RPE.
- Anchor with stones or soil. Use the anchor supplied.
- Damage or deform the mask or hose when putting it away.
- Get dirt inside the mask, or use solvents to clean the mask, straps or hose.
- Leave the air inlet near contamination sources. The environment can change, for example vehicle exhaust, solvent spills.