Some long term conditions are mostly related to someone’s physical health. However, being diagnosed with a physical health condition can have a negative impact on their mental health. Other conditions might be more directly related to mental health.
"Have managers be trained on aspects affecting daily lives - menopause, pregnancy, health concerns, family support, bereavement, stress, being a carer, so that immediate members of staff can see changes early on in staff members and be able to offer more support. But the support has to be backed up - not just words, with no back up."
- 2021 survey respondent
New diagnoses
If your worker has been newly diagnosed, this can affect their mental health as they adjust to living with the condition and their treatment. This might mean they need some extra support at work, like time off or adjustments to their work.
Two people with the same diagnosed condition might have different needs and experiences at work.
Consider individual needs
NHS Inform has information on many long term physical and mental health conditions, which you can look up on their A-Z.
However, if one of your workers has a long term condition, it’s important to treat them as an individual. Two people with the same diagnosed condition might have different needs and experiences at work.
"My immediate superior is very supportive and understands the effects of my bi-polar condition. We have utilised flexible working, reasonable adjustments etc as and when my mental health requires it."
- 2021 survey respondent
Our ill health and absence section has more information on managing long term conditions at work.