Supporting employees with cardiovascular disease

Information and guidance for employers on supporting employees with cardiovascular (heart and circulatory)

​These pages give more information on the specific condition. They should be read in conjunction with our Supporting employees with long term health conditions pages to help you understand how a workplace can assist in helping an employee return to and remain at work.

Cardiovascular disease is a term for all illnesses of the heart and circulatory system. It can cover a wide range of health conditions including heart attacks, angina, high blood pressure and stroke. Most people who have been diagnosed with a heart condition will be able to continue to work.

The prognosis (outlook) and physical and mental impact on the individual can vary, even with those with similar diagnoses. Treatment side effects can also be variable and debilitating on a day to day basis, and sometimes longer term.

How to support employees in the workplace

You may find employees with a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease can have increased levels of sickness absence. They may also need to attend the hospital or their specialist more frequently than those without the health condition.

By adopting Fair Work practices, it may be appropriate to allow flexibility around authorised absence, out with the organisations normal sickness absence triggers. This may be considered an appropriate adjustment under the Equality Act 2010. This would be identified within your Supporting Staff Attendance Policy.

If you feel your policy doesn’t include this, you can get support from our Supporting staff attendance pages.

Other areas of consideration

Areas that you should consider and discuss with your employee based on their personal experience and treatments for cardiovascular condition may include:

  • fluctuating health and stamina levels which may affect them more if they do shift work or full-time hours
  • does their medication make them sluggish? Would amending their work rotas, (e.g. starting later and finishing earlier at work to avoid rush hour), home working if appropriate or a combination of both, help maintain them at work?
  • are they struggling to come to terms with their diagnosis? Would they benefit from counselling and time off to attend?
  • the nature of the work they do. Is it physically demanding for them, can they be redeployed or their duties amended to allow them to continue to work?
  • is driving part of their job role; if so do they need to inform the DVLA and insurance company of their diagnosis?
  • Review the risk assessments for the job they do. Consider if your employee has a pacemaker fitted and if any work equipment such as magnets could affect it
  • do you have contingency plans in place if your employee becomes unwell and is unable to remain at work?
  • review your first aid arrangements
  • will your staff member require a safe place to store or administer medication during the working day
  • can your employee utilise Access to Work for tools to assist them in the workplace?

Key sources of support

As an employer, you may need some external support from other agencies, such as Access to Work, or charities such as Stroke Association or British Heart Foundation. They can provide additional advice and support for you and your employee, for example voice-activated software if your employee has a weakness with their upper limbs following a stroke.

Key sources of support for both the employer and employee include:

If you or your employees have a health condition impacting work, they could benefit from the support of Working Health Services Scotland (WHSS).

WHSS provides free and confidential advice and health support for the self-employed and people working in companies with less than 250 employees.